Sunday, August 15, 2010

Don Quixote: A Classic NPR Radio Mini Series




A bit of a quickie today.


During the 1980s, the Globe Radio Repertory on NPR’s (National Public Radio) Playhouse produced a series of radio mini-series based on classics works of fiction from such literary giants as Anton Chekov, Nikolai Gogol, and Gustav Flaubert.   


The first of these was Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote de la Mancha, and it played not only on NPR, but on many English speaking radio stations around the world over the next decade. 


It was also offered for purchase on audio cassette.


Comprised of 13 30-minute episodes, Don Quixote de la Mancha is extremely entertaining fare.   A faithful adaptation of the original work, but with dialog updated to be more familiar to the ears of the modern listeners.


You can find a  listing of the shows available  by the Globe Radio Repertory on the Internet Archive  at this link.



Next, I plan to give the 16 stories by Anton Chekov a listen, and after that, Madame Bovary.

Thus far, I’m very impressed with this series.

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